Venetian Republic that existed in Boka Kotorska (Bocche di Cattaro in italian) from 1420 to 1797 brought wealth, style and prosperity to the region through trade and sailing craft. In the 18th Century, inhabitants of Boka Kotorska – the Bokelji (Bocchesi in Italian), had a very strong fleet, which counted as many as 300 ships. Their seamanship and courage was well known and respected through many seas. The families of captains were well admired, so even the areas of their main dwellings were often called after their surnames. The building of Palazzo Radomiri hotel also once belonged to a household of shipowners and captains. It was originally built during Venetian Republic as a residential complex for one of the wealthiest families in Boka Kotorska area at the time – Radimiri. As it was during this time that the local maps were created professionally, the location of this family's residence was illustrated on a map by the most famous Venetian geographer and cartographer Coronelli Vincenzo Maria in 1688 and named as Radomiri. A copy of this map hangs on the wall of the hotel, while the original is in the Maritime Museum in the old town of Kotor. During rule of the Venetians, Bokelji assimilated Venetian dialect into local language, and many words and expressions still remain in use. Naturally, in order to respect the history and ancestors, the name of the hotel combined architectural style of the building – palazzo and its location name – Radomiri.
Venetian Republic that existed in Boka Kotorska (Bocche di Cattaro in italian) from 1420 to 1797 brought wealth, style and prosperity to the region through trade and sailing craft. In the 18th Century, inhabitants of Boka Kotorska – the Bokelji (Bocchesi in Italian), had a very strong fleet, which counted as many as 300 ships. Their seamanship and courage was well known and respected through many seas. The families of captains were well admired, so even the areas of their main dwellings were often called after their surnames. The building of Palazzo Radomiri hotel also once belonged to a household of shipowners and captains. It was originally built during Venetian Republic as a residential complex for one of the wealthiest families in Boka Kotorska area at the time – Radimiri. As it was during this time that the local maps were created professionally, the location of this family's residence was illustrated on a map by the most famous Venetian geographer and cartographer Coronelli Vincenzo Maria in 1688 and named as Radomiri. A copy of this map hangs on the wall of the hotel, while the original is in the Maritime Museum in the old town of Kotor. During rule of the Venetians, Bokelji assimilated Venetian dialect into local language, and many words and expressions still remain in use. Naturally, in order to respect the history and ancestors, the name of the hotel combined architectural style of the building – palazzo and its location name – Radomiri.